Die Casting Books

Total Record : 7
Author: William Andresen
ISBN: 0824759354 / 9780824759353
Year: 2010
Availability: Out of Stock
A frequently misunderstood technology, die casting is considered the shortest route between raw material and near net shape. For many decades, high pressure die casting was viewed as an art based up...
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List Price: ` 1995

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Author: Richard Leed
ISBN: 0872636437 / 9780872636439
Year: 2002
Availability: In Stock
Conceived from years of problem solving, Tool and Die Making Troubleshooter is destined to be an indispensable guide for designing, constructing, and maintaining tools, dies, molds, and fixtures. Th...
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List Price: $ 95
Offer Price: ` 6200
Author: Don Peterson
ISBN: 0872634485 / 9780872634480
Year: 1994
Availability: In Stock
Discover new technologies presented within the context of classic diemaking fundamentals. "Progressive Dies" is your collective source for improving current designs or learning how to take advantage...
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List Price: $ 88
Author: David Smith
ISBN: 0872633756 / 9780872633759
Year: 1990
Availability: 45-60 days
Whether you're involved in a highly specialized operation, or need comprehensive information on many types of die designs, this book is your best bet book on how to design dies. Hundreds of illustra...
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List Price: $ 145
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: $ 130.50
Author: David Smith
ISBN: 0872637158 / 9780872637153
Year: 2005
Availability: In Stock
Quick Die Change, Second Edition pulls together various manufacturing concepts to demonstrate how to achieve dramatic setup time reductions. The book covers not only the basis of changing dies quick...
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List Price: $ 60
Offer Price: ` 3900
Author: William Boyes
ISBN: 0872633659 / 9780872633650
Year: 1989
Availability: 45-60 days
Extensively illustrated, showing you hundreds of proven designs and illustrations, this book explains dozens of different types of fixtures. Eighteen chapters show you both basic principles and adva...
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List Price: $ 136
Author: Sushil Kainth
ISBN: 1569906726 / 9781569906729
Year: 2018
Availability: Out of Stock
This book is a step-by-step guide to die design for tubes and pipes. It offers unique coverage of the topic from a highly practical perspective. Written for plastics processing and design engineers,...
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List Price: $ 144.99

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