International Encyclopedia of Economics, 2 Volume Set

Title: International Encyclopedia of Economics, 2 Volume Set
Author: Frank N. Magill
ISBN: 8121919460 / 9788121919463
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1735
Publisher: S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article

With a scope at once broad and comprehensive, the International Encyclopedia of Economics examines the discipline's wide range, covering topics that are as specific as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and as theoretical as the measurement of consumer satisfaction. The 393 articles are drawn from 12 areas of the economic sciences, extending from monetary theory to international trade, from welfare economics to the history of economic thought. There are 175 contributors.

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Volume – 1

Category List

Chapter 1. : Absolute Advantage
Chapter 2. : The Acceleration Principle
Chapter 3. : Accounting and Economics
Chapter 4. : Adjustment Processes and Stability
Chapter 5. : Advertising
Chapter 6. : Aggregate Supply and Demand
Chapter 7. : Aging and Economics
Chapter 8. : Agricultural Economics
Chapter 9. : Amortization
Chapter 10. : Antitrust Policy
Chapter 11. : Arbitrage
Chapter 12. : Arbitration
Chapter 13. : The Arrow-Debreu Model
Chapter 14. : Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
Chapter 15. : Assets and Liabilities
Chapter 16. : The Assignment Problem
Chapter 17. : Auctions and Auctioneers
Chapter 18. : The Austrian School of Economics
Chapter 19. : Automation
Chapter 20. : Average and Marginal Cost Pricing
Chapter 21. : The Averch-Johnson Effect
Chapter 22. : Balance of Merchandise Trade
Chapter 23. : Balance of Payments
Chapter 24. : Bank Structure and Competition
Chapter 25. : Banking : Central and Free
Chapter 26. : Banking School, Currency School, and Free Banking School
Chapter 27. : Types of Banks
Chapter 28. : Bargaining
Chapter 29. : Barriers to Entry
Chapter 30. : Barter and Exchange
Chapter 31. : Bayesian Inference
Chapter 32. : Types of Bonds
Chapter 33. : Break-Even Analysis
Chapter 34. : Bretton Woods
Chapter 35. : Budget Deficits and Surpluses
Chapter 36. : Built-in Stabilizers
Chapter 37. : The Bullionist Controversy
Chapter 38. : Business Cycles
Chapter 39. : Forms of Business Organization
Chapter 40. : Capital Budgeting
Chapter 41. : Capital Flows : International
Chapter 42. : Capital Goods and Investments
Chapter 43. : Capital Theory
Chapter 44. : Capitalism
Chapter 45. : Cartels
Chapter 46. : Central Planning
Chapter 47. : Change in Demand
Chapter 48. : The Chicago School
Chapter 49. : Classical Economics
Chapter 50. : Coase’s Theorem
Chapter 51. : Codetermination and Profit Sharing
Chapter 52. : Colbertism
Chapter 53. : Collective Action vs. Market Action
Chapter 54. : Collusion
Chapter 55. : Colonialism
Chapter 56. : Command Economy
Chapter 57. : Communism
Chapter 58. : Comparative Advantage
Chapter 59. : Competition : Perfect vs. Imperfect
Chapter 60. : Complements and Substitutes
Chapter 61. : Conglomerates
Chapter 62. : The Consumer Price Index
Chapter 63. : Consumer Surplus
Chapter 64. : The Consumption Function
Chapter 65. : Continuous-Time Stochastic Models
Chapter 66. : Contracts
Chapter 67. : Cooperatives
Chapter 68. : Corn Laws
Chapter 69. : Corporations
Chapter 70. : Correlation and Regression Analysis
Chapter 71. : Cost-Benefit Analysis
Chapter 72. : The Cost Function
Chapter 73. : Cost-Plus Pricing
Chapter 74. : Cost-Push Inflation
Chapter 75. : Types of Costs
Chapter 76. : Costs of Production
Chapter 77. : Countertrade
Chapter 78. : Credit
Chapter 79. : Credit Unions
Chapter 80. : The Crowding-Out Effect
Chapter 81. : Currency
Chapter 82. : Customs Unions
Chapter 83. : Decision Theory
Chapter 84. : Deficit Financing
Chapter 85. : Deficit Spending
Chapter 86. : Deindustrialization
Chapter 87. : The Demand Function
Chapter 88. : Demand-Pull Inflation
Chapter 89. : Depository Institutions
Chapter 90. : Depreciation and Depletion
Chapter 91. : Depressions
Chapter 92. : Devaluation
Chapter 93. : Development : Regional
Chapter 94. : Development and Terms of Trade
Chapter 95. : Development Theory
Chapter 96. : Discounting to Present Value
Chapter 97. : Discrete Choice Models
Chapter 98. : Types of Discrimination
Chapter 99. : Distribution theories
Chapter 100. : Dividends and Dividend Policy
Chapter 101. : Dual Economies
Chapter 102. : Duality
Chapter 103. : Duopolies
Chapter 104. : Econometrics
Chapter 105. : Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Chapter 106. : Economists
Chapter 107. : Efficiency
Chapter 108. : Elasticity
Chapter 109. : The Employment Act of 1946
Chapter 110. : Employment Theory
Chapter 111. : Endowments : Strategic Reallocation
Chapter 112. : Energy Economics
Chapter 113. : Engel’s Law and The Engel Curve
Chapter 114. : Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Behavior
Chapter 115. : Environmental Economics
Chapter 116. : Equilibrium : General
Chapter 117. : Equilibrium : Long-Run
Chapter 118. : Equity
Chapter 119. : The European Economic Community
Chapter 120. : Exchange Rates : Fixed and Flexible
Chapter 121. : Exchange Rates and Interest Rates
Chapter 122. : Expansionary Policy
Chapter 123. : Expectations
Chapter 124. : Experimental Economics
Chapter 125. : Exploitation
Chapter 126. : Exports and Imports
Chapter 127. : External Debt of The United States
Chapter 128. : Externalities
Chapter 129. : Factor Analysis
Chapter 130. : The Federal Reserve Bank
Chapter 131. : Financing
Chapter 132. : Firms : Theory and Types
Chapter 133. : Fiscal Policy : Demand-Side Effects
Chapter 134. : Fiscal Policy : Keynesian View
Chapter 135. : Fiscal Policy : An Overview
Chapter 136. : Fiscal Policy : Supply-Side Effects
Chapter 137. : Forecasting
Chapter 138. : Foreign Aid
Chapter 139. : Free Trade and Protection
Chapter 140. : Futures Markets
Chapter 141. : Game Theory
Chapter 142. : The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Chapter 143. : The German Historical School
Chapter 144. : Giffen’s Paradox
Chapter 145. : Gold and The Gold Standard
Chapter 146. : Goods : Inferior
Chapter 147. : Goods : Public vs. Private
Chapter 148. : The Great Depression
Chapter 149. : Gresham’s Law
Chapter 150. : Gross National Product : Actual and Potential
Chapter 151. : Gross National Product : Real and Nominal
Chapter 152. : Growth : Export Promotion and Import Substitution
Chapter 153. : Growth Theory
Chapter 154. : Growth vs. Development
Chapter 155. : Harrod-Domar Analysis
Chapter 156. : Health Economics
Chapter 157. : The Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory
Chapter 158. : The History of Economics
Chapter 159. : Housing Economics
Chapter 160. : Human Capital
Chapter 161. : Hyperinflation
Chapter 162. : Import Restrictions
Chapter 163. : Types of Income
Chapter 164. : The Income Effect
Chapter 165. : Income Elasticity
Chapter 166. : Income Inequality
Chapter 167. : Indexed Securities
Chapter 168. : Indexing
Chapter 169. : Indicators
Chapter 170. : Industrial Organization
Chapter 171. : The Industrial Revolution
Chapter 172. : Industrialization
Chapter 173. : Inflationary Effefts
Chapter 174. : Innovation and Market Structure
Chapter 175. : Input-Output Analysis
Chapter 176. : Institutional Economics
Chapter 177. : Interest and Interest Rates
Chapter 178. : Interest Rates : Nominal vs. Real
Chapter 179. : Interest Rates : Term Structure
Chapter 180. : Interest Rates and Monetary Policy
Chapter 181. : International Indebtedness
Chapter 182. : The International Monetary Fund
Chapter 183. : International Trade : A Theoretical Overview
Chapter 184. : International Trade and Gains from Specialization
Chapter 185. : Invention
Chapter 186. : Inventory
Chapter 187. : Investment : Foreign
Chapter 188. : Investment Decision Criteria
Chapter 189. : The Investment Tax Credit
Chapter 190. : The Invisible Hand
Chapter 191. : IS-LM Analysis
Chapter 192. : Keynesian Economics
Chapter 193. : The Kondratieff Cycle
Chapter 194. : Labor Economics
Chapter 195. : Labor Supply of Women
Chapter 196. : The Labor Theory of Value
Chapter 197. : The Laffer Curve
Chapter 198. : Laissez-Faire, Laissez-Passer, and The History of Liberalism
Chapter 199. : Land Reform
Chapter 200. : Law and Economics
Chapter 201. : Law of Diminishing Returns : Origins and Historical Overview
Chapter 202. : Law of Diminishing Returns : Theoretical Overview
Chapter 203. : Leads and Lags
Chapter 204. : Least Squares Analysis
Chapter 205. : The Leisure Class
Chapter 206. : The Life-Cycle Model of Consumption
Chapter 207. : Linear Programming
Chapter 208. : Liquidity
Chapter 209. : Liquidity Preference
Chapter 210. : Loanable Funds and The Loanable Funds Market

Volume – 2

Chapter 211. : The Lorenz Curve
Chapter 212. : Macroeconomic Models
Chapter 213. : Macroeconomic Policy : Expansionary
Chapter 214. : Macroeconomics : An Overview
Chapter 215. : Malthusian Economics
Chapter 216. : The Marginal Principle
Chapter 217. : The Marginal Propensity to Consume
Chapter 218. : Marginal Utility
Chapter 219. : Marginalist Economics
Chapter 220. : The Market and Basic Economic Questions
Chapter 221. : Market Price
Chapter 222. : Market Structure
Chapter 223. : The Marshall-Lerner Condition
Chapter 224. : Marxist Economics
Chapter 225. : Mathematical Economics
Chapter 226. : Maximum Likelihood Analysis
Chapter 227. : Mean-Variance Analysis
Chapter 228. : Mercantilism
Chapter 229. : Mergers
Chapter 230. : Microeconomics
Chapter 231. : Migration
Chapter 232. : Models : An Overview
Chapter 233. : Models of Growth
Chapter 234. : Monetarism
Chapter 235. : Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Developing Countries
Chapter 236. : Monetary Approaches to The Balance of Payments
Chapter 237. : Monetary Equilibrium and Disequilibrium
Chapter 238. : Monetary Institutions
Chapter 239. : Monetary Policy : An Overview
Chapter 240. : Monetary Policy and The Exchange Rate
Chapter 241. : Monetization of Debt
Chapter 242. : Creation of Money
Chapter 243. : Demand for Money
Chapter 244. : Money, Credit, and Capital Markets
Chapter 245. : The Money Supply
Chapter 246. : Monopolies : An Overview
Chapter 247. : Monopolies : Pricing and Output
Chapter 248. : Monopolies : Regulation
Chapter 249. : Monopolies and Competition
Chapter 250. : Monopsonies
Chapter 251. : Monte Carlo Methods
Chapter 252. : Mortgages and The Mortgage Rate
Chapter 253. : Multiplier Analysis and The Multiplier Principle
Chapter 254. : National Debt
Chapter 255. : Natural Rate and Market Rate
Chapter 256. : Neoclassical Economics
Chapter 257. : Neo-Ricardianism
Chapter 258. : Net National Product
Chapter 259. : Nonprofit Organizations
Chapter 260. : Normative and Positive Economics
Chapter 261. : Nutrition, Famine, and Food Economics
Chapter 262. : Offer Curves and Reciprocal Demand Curves
Chapter 263. : Oil Economics
Chapter 264. : Models of Oligopolies
Chapter 265. : Oligopolies and Industrial Concentration
Chapter 266. : Opportunity Cost
Chapter 267. : Optimality
Chapter 268. : Options
Chapter 269. : Types of Output
Chapter 270. : Pareto Economics
Chapter 271. : Partial Equilibrium Analysis
Chapter 272. : Partnerships
Chapter 273. : The Permanent Income Hypothesis
Chapter 274. : The Phillips Curve
Chapter 275. : The Physiocrats
Chapter 276. : Political Economy and Economics
Chapter 277. : Politics and Economics
Chapter 278. : Pollution Economics
Chapter 279. : Population and Economics
Chapter 280. : Portfolio Theory
Chapter 281. : Post-Keynesian Economics
Chapter 282. : Poverty
Chapter 283. : The Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis
Chapter 284. : Price Ceilings
Chapter 285. : Price Discrimination
Chapter 286. : Price Fixing
Chapter 287. : Privatization
Chapter 288. : Product Cycles
Chapter 289. : Product Differentiation
Chapter 290. : Production and Cost Functions
Chapter 291. : The Production Possibilities Curve
Chapter 292. : Production Theory
Chapter 293. : Productivity and Wages of Labor
Chapter 294. : Productivity in World Nations
Chapter 295. : Profit : Accounting and Economic
Chapter 296. : Profit and Profit Theory
Chapter 297. : Profit in A Competitive Economy
Chapter 298. : Property Rights
Chapter 299. : Proprietorships
Chapter 300. : Psychology and Economics
Chapter 301. : Public Choice
Chapter 302. : Public-Sector Borrowing
Chapter 303. : Public Utility Pricing
Chapter 304. : Purchasing Power Parity
Chapter 305. : The Quantity Theory of Money
Chapter 306. : Quotas and Tariffs
Chapter 307. : Race and Economics
Chapter 308. : Rational Expectations
Chapter 309. : Rationing
Chapter 310. : The Real Bills Doctrine
Chapter 311. : Recessions
Chapter 312. : Reciprocal Trade Agreements
Chapter 313. : Redistribution of Wealth
Chapter 314. : Regional Economics
Chapter 315. : Regulation and Deregulation
Chapter 316. : The Relative Income Hypothesis
Chapter 317. : Research and Development
Chapter 318. : Reserves
Chapter 319. : Resource Allocation
Chapter 320. : Resources : Natural
Chapter 321. : Resources : An Overview
Chapter 322. : Returns to Scale
Chapter 323. : Revenue : Gross and Net
Chapter 324. : Ricardian Economics
Chapter 325. : The Ricardo-Hayek Effect
Chapter 326. : Risk
Chapter 327. : Saving
Chapter 328. : Savings and Loan Associations
Chapter 329. : Say’s Law
Chapter 330. : Second Best
Chapter 331. : Securities Pricing
Chapter 332. : Short Run and Long Run
Chapter 333. : Shortages
Chapter 334. : The Shortsightedness Effect and Government Failure
Chapter 335. : Simultaneous Equation Models
Chapter 336. : Slavery
Chapter 337. : Social Democracy
Chapter 338. : Social Security
Chapter 339. : Social Welfare Functions
Chapter 340. : Socialism
Chapter 341. : The Specie-Flow Mechanism
Chapter 342. : Spectral Analysis
Chapter 343. : Spot and Forward Markets
Chapter 344. : Stabilization Policy
Chapter 345. : Stagflation
Chapter 346. : Stocks and The Stock Market
Chapter 347. : Subsidies
Chapter 348. : Substitution
Chapter 349. : The Supply Function
Chapter 350. : Targets and Instruments
Chapter 351. : Tax : Consumption
Chapter 352. : Tax : Corporate Income
Chapter 353. : Tax : Corporate Profit
Chapter 354. : Tax : Progressive Income
Chapter 355. : Tax : Sales
Chapter 356. : Tax : Value-Added
Chapter 357. : Tax and Taxation
Chapter 358. : Tax Rate : Marginal
Chapter 359. : Tax Revenue
Chapter 360. : Tax Systems
Chapter 361. : Technology and Technological Change
Chapter 362. : Thrift Institutions
Chapter 363. : Time and Supply Elasticity
Chapter 364. : Time Deposits
Chapter 365. : Time Preference
Chapter 366. : Time Series Analysis
Chapter 367. : Trade Deficits, International Debt, and Budget Deficits
Chapter 368. : Transfer Payments : International
Chapter 369. : Types of Transfers
Chapter 370. : Uncertainty
Chapter 371. : Underground Economies
Chapter 372. : Undeveloped and Underdeveloped Countries
Chapter 373. : Reasons for Unemployment
Chapter 374. : Types of Unemployment
Chapter 375. : Unemployment and Demand Stimulus Policies
Chapter 376. : Unemployment Fluctuations
Chapter 377. : The History of Unions
Chapter 378. : Types of Unions
Chapter 379. : Urban Economics
Chapter 380. : Vertical Integration
Chapter 381. : Von Neumann Economics
Chapter 382. : Voting and Public-Sector Action
Chapter 383. : Wage Inequality
Chapter 384. : Wage Legislation
Chapter 385. : Wages
Chapter 386. : Walras’ Law
Chapter 387. : Wealth : An Overview
Chapter 388. : Welfare Economics
Chapter 389. : The Welfare State
Chapter 390. : Women in The Work Force
Chapter 391. : World Economies
Chapter 392. : Youth in The Work Force
