International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics, 2 Volume Set

Title: International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics, 2 Volume Set
Author: Frank N. Magill
ISBN: 8121919487 / 9788121919487
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1557
Publisher: S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock

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The International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics examines the full scope of the science and practice of politics. From the early political models of Aristotle and Plato to our own parliamentary system and questions of accountability and representation, 5000 years of government and politics are presented in some 350 authoritative entries. The encyclopedia covers thirteen major fields: Civil Rights and Liberties; Comparative Government; Economic Issues; Functions of Government; History of Government and Politics; International Government and Politics; Law and Jurisprudence; Local and Regional Government; Military; Political Philosophy; Politics (General); Religion and Government; and Types of Government. Each six-page entry introduces the reader to a topic in political science, explains the vocabulary, context, and significance of that topic, and includes a signed essay with an annotated bibliography written by an authority in the field. To help the reader in finding information, the main text of each essay is divided into three sections: Overview, Applications, and Context. The International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics has a comprehensive glossary and is fully indexed.

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Volume – 1

Category List

Chapter 1. : Accountability in U.S. Government
Chapter 2. : Activist Politics
Chapter 3. : Administrative Procedures in U.S. Government
Chapter 4. : Africa : Politics and Governments
Chapter 5. : African American Politics
Chapter 6. : Aging and Politics in The United States
Chapter 7. : Agricultural Management
Chapter 8. : Alliances
Chapter 9. : Ambassadors and Embassies
Chapter 10. : American Indian Governments
Chapter 11. : Anarchism
Chapter 12. : Anarchism in Marxist Thought
Chapter 13. : Aristocracy, Oligarchy, and Plutocracy
Chapter 14. : Aristotle’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 15. : Armed Forces
Chapter 16. : Arms Control
Chapter 17. : The Arts and Government
Chapter 18. : Asia : Politics and Governments
Chapter 19. : Asian American Politics
Chapter 20. : Augustine’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 21. : Autocracy and Absolutism
Chapter 22. : The Bill of Rights
Chapter 23. : Bonapartism
Chapter 24. : The British Parliamentary System
Chapter 25. : Buddhism and Government
Chapter 26. : Budgets of National Governments
Chapter 27. : Bureaucracy
Chapter 28. : Burke’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 29. : Business and Government
Chapter 30. : Cabinet Government
Chapter 31. : The Canadian Parliamentary System
Chapter 32. : Capitalism
Chapter 33. : Caste Systems
Chapter 34. : Charismatic Leadership
Chapter 35. : Checks and Balances in U.S. Government
Chapter 36. : Chinese Communism
Chapter 37. : Church and Government in History
Chapter 38. : Church and State Relations in The United States
Chapter 39. : Church Government
Chapter 40. : Citizen Movements
Chapter 41. : Citizenship in World Governments
Chapter 42. : Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Chapter 43. : City Government in The United States
Chapter 44. : The City-State
Chapter 45. : Civic Education
Chapter 46. : Civil Disobedience
Chapter 47. : Civil Liberties Protection
Chapter 48. : Civil Rights and Liberties
Chapter 49. : Civil Rights Protection
Chapter 50. : The Civil Service in The United States
Chapter 51. : Civil Unrest and Rioting
Chapter 52. : Civil Wars
Chapter 53. : Class Conflict
Chapter 54. : Clientelism
Chapter 55. : Colonial Government
Chapter 56. : Colonialism and Anticolonialism
Chapter 57. : Commerce Regulation
Chapter 58. : Commonwealths
Chapter 59. : Communications Management
Chapter 60. : Communist Parties
Chapter 61. : Comparative Government
Chapter 62. : Confederations
Chapter 63. : Conflict Resolution
Chapter 64. : Confucianism and Government
Chapter 65. : Congress
Chapter 66. : Conservatism
Chapter 67. : The Constitution of The United States
Chapter 68. : Constitutional Governments
Chapter 69. : Constitutional Law in The United States
Chapter 70. : Consumer Politics
Chapter 71. : Corporatism
Chapter 72. : County Government
Chapter 73. : Courts : State and Local
Chapter 74. : Courts : U.S. Federal
Chapter 75. : Cult of Personality
Chapter 76. : Dante’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 77. : Debts and Deficits in The U.S. Federal Budget
Chapter 78. : Deism
Chapter 79. : Delegates
Chapter 80. : Demagoguery
Chapter 81. : Democracy
Chapter 82. : The Democratic Party
Chapter 83. : Despotism and Tyranny
Chapter 84. : Developed and Developing Nations
Chapter 85. : Dialecticism
Chapter 86. : Dictatorships
Chapter 87. : Diplomacy and International Negotiation
Chapter 88. : Disaster Relief in The United States
Chapter 89. : Education Management
Chapter 90. : Elected Versus Appointed Offices in The United States
Chapter 91. : Elections
Chapter 92. : The Electoral College
Chapter 93. : Elitism
Chapter 94. : Empires and Empire Building
Chapter 95. : Energy Management
Chapter 96. : Entitlements
Chapter 97. : Environmental Protection
Chapter 98. : Epicurean Political Philosophy
Chapter 99. : Equality and Egalitarianism
Chapter 100. : Executive Functions in U.S. Government
Chapter 101. : Existentialism
Chapter 102. : Family and Politics in The United States
Chapter 103. : Fascism and Nazism
Chapter 104. : Federal Mandates
Chapter 105. : Federalism in The United States
Chapter 106. : Federations
Chapter 107. : Feminist Politics
Chapter 108. : Feudalism
Chapter 109. : Filibuster
Chapter 110. : Fire Protection
Chapter 111. : Food Politics
Chapter 112. : Force
Chapter 113. : Foreign Relations
Chapter 114. : Funding of Government
Chapter 115. : Gay and Lesbian Politics
Chapter 116. : Gender Politics
Chapter 117. : General Will
Chapter 118. : Genocide
Chapter 119. : Geopolitics
Chapter 120. : Government Agencies
Chapter 121. : Government Powers
Chapter 122. : Government Roles
Chapter 123. : Government Types
Chapter 124. : Grants-in-Aid
Chapter 125. : Grassroots Politics
Chapter 126. : Heads of State
Chapter 127. : Health Care Management
Chapter 128. : Hegemony
Chapter 129. : Hinduism and Government
Chapter 130. : History of Government
Chapter 131. : Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 132. : Human Rights and International Politics
Chapter 133. : Idealism
Chapter 134. : Immigrants and Politics
Chapter 135. : Immigration and Emigration
Chapter 136. : Immigration Regulation
Chapter 137. : Impeachment
Chapter 138. : Imperialism
Chapter 139. : Independence Movements and Transitions
Chapter 140. : Indigenous Peoples’ Governments
Chapter 141. : Individual Versus State Rights
Chapter 142. : Industrialization
Chapter 143. : Initiatives and Referendums
Chapter 144. : Insurgencies and Coups d’ Etat
Chapter 145. : Interest Groups
Chapter 146. : Intergovernmental Relations
Chapter 147. : International Agreements
Chapter 148. : International Law
Chapter 149. : International Monetary Fund
Chapter 150. : International Relations
Chapter 151. : Invisible Government
Chapter 152. : Iron Triangles
Chapter 153. : Irrationalism in Politics
Chapter 154. : Islam and Government
Chapter 155. : Isolationism and Protectionism
Chapter 156. : John of Salisbury’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 157. : Judicial Review
Chapter 158. : Jurisprudence
Chapter 159. : Kant’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 160. : Keynesianism, Monetarism, and Supply-Side Economics
Chapter 161. : Labor Relations
Chapter 162. : Land Management in The United States
Chapter 163. : Latino Politics
Chapter 164. : Law Enforcement
Chapter 165. : Leadership
Chapter 166. : Leagues
Chapter 167. : The Left and The Right
Chapter 168. : Legal Systems in Anglo-American Governments
Chapter 169. : Legislative Body Types
Chapter 170. : Legislative Functions of Government
Chapter 171. : Legitimacy
Chapter 172. : Liberal Nationalism
Chapter 173. : Liberalism
Chapter 174. : Liberation Theology
Chapter 175. : Lobbying and Lobbyists
Chapter 176. : Local Governments
Chapter 177. : Locke’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 178. : Machiavelli’s Political Philosophy

Volume – 2

Chapter 179. : Marxism-Leninism
Chapter 180. : The Media and Elections
Chapter 181. : The Media and The Conduct of Government
Chapter 182. : Mercantilism
Chapter 183. : Mexico : Politics and Government
Chapter 184. : Military Conscription and Conscientious Objection
Chapter 185. : Military Governments
Chapter 186. : Military Structure
Chapter 187. : Mill’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 188. : Modern Monarchy
Chapter 189. : Monarchy in Constitutional Governments
Chapter 190. : Monarchy in History
Chapter 191. : Montesquieu’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 192. : Multiparty Systems
Chapter 193. : The Nation-State
Chapter 194. : National Economies
Chapter 195. : National Liberation Movements
Chapter 196. : National Security
Chapter 197. : Nationalism
Chapter 198. : Naturalization
Chapter 199. : Neo-Conservatism
Chapter 200. : Neo-Idealism
Chapter 201. : The New Right
Chapter 202. : Nietzsche’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 203. : Nomadic Peoples’ Governments
Chapter 204. : Nomination Processes
Chapter 205. : Nonaligned Movements
Chapter 206. : Nonpartisan Political Organizations
Chapter 207. : North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Chapter 208. : Ochlocracy
Chapter 209. : Oligarchy
Chapter 210. : One-Party Systems
Chapter 211. : Organized Crime and Political Corruption
Chapter 212. : Pacific Islander Governments
Chapter 213. : Pan-Africanism
Chapter 214. : Parliamentary Government
Chapter 215. : Patriotism
Chapter 216. : Peace
Chapter 217. : Plato’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 218. : Pluralism
Chapter 219. : Police States
Chapter 220. : Policy Development and Implementation
Chapter 221. : Political Action Committees
Chapter 222. : Political Campaigning, Planning, and Financing
Chapter 223. : Political Campaigns in U.S. History
Chapter 224. : Political Correctness
Chapter 225. : Political Crimes
Chapter 226. : Political Economy
Chapter 227. : Political Ethics
Chapter 228. : Political Machines and Bosses
Chapter 229. : Political Myths and The Philosophies of Mosca and Pareto
Chapter 230. : Political Participation
Chapter 231. : Political Parties
Chapter 232. : Political Party Conventions
Chapter 233. : Political Party Roles
Chapter 234. : Political Philosophy
Chapter 235. : Political Platforms
Chapter 236. : Political Pragmatism
Chapter 237. : Political Representation in The United States
Chapter 238. : Political Science
Chapter 239. : Political Violence
Chapter 240. : Polity
Chapter 241. : Populism
Chapter 242. : Positivism
Chapter 243. : Postal Service
Chapter 244. : Postmodernism
Chapter 245. : Power Divisions in Governments
Chapter 246. : Power in Politics
Chapter 247. : The Presidency in The United States
Chapter 248. : Presidential Elections in The United States
Chapter 249. : Primary Elections
Chapter 250. : Progressivism
Chapter 251. : Propaganda
Chapter 252. : Protest Movements
Chapter 253. : Public Opinion Polling
Chapter 254. : Public Policy
Chapter 255. : Public Utilities
Chapter 256. : Public Works
Chapter 257. : Race and Ethnicity
Chapter 258. : Radicalism
Chapter 259. : Realpolitik
Chapter 260. : Regional Governments
Chapter 261. : Regulatory Agencies in The United States
Chapter 262. : Religion and Politics
Chapter 263. : Reproductive Politics
Chapter 264. : The Republican Party
Chapter 265. : Republicanism
Chapter 266. : Research, Development, and Planning
Chapter 267. : Resource Management
Chapter 268. : Revolutionary Governments
Chapter 269. : Revolutionary Parties
Chapter 270. : Revolutions
Chapter 271. : Right of Revolution
Chapter 272. : Right to Bear Arms and The Second Amendment
Chapter 273. : Rousseau’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 274. : Rural Community Government
Chapter 275. : Russian Political History
Chapter 276. : Sanctions
Chapter 277. : Scientific Humanism
Chapter 278. : Secessionism
Chapter 279. : Self-Determination
Chapter 280. : Self-Interest in Politics
Chapter 281. : Separation of Powers : Political Philosophy
Chapter 282. : Separation of Powers : Presidential Government
Chapter 283. : Slavery and U.S. Political History
Chapter 284. : The Social Contract
Chapter 285. : Social Darwinism
Chapter 286. : Social Democracies
Chapter 287. : Social Democratic Parties
Chapter 288. : The Social Security System
Chapter 289. : Social Services
Chapter 290. : Socialism
Chapter 291. : Spinoza’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 292. : The State
Chapter 293. : State and Local Government
Chapter 294. : State Government
Chapter 295. : Statesmanship
Chapter 296. : Stoic Political Philosophy
Chapter 297. : Succession
Chapter 298. : Superpowers and World Politics
Chapter 299. : Supranational Government Institutions
Chapter 300. : The Supreme Court : Organization and Purpose
Chapter 301. : The Supreme Court : Role in Government and Law
Chapter 302. : Taxation and Appropriation
Chapter 303. : Technology and citizen-Government Relations
Chapter 304. : Term Limits
Chapter 305. : Terrorism
Chapter 306. : Theocracy
Chapter 307. : Thomas Aquinas’ Political Philosophy
Chapter 308. : Tocqueville’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 309. : Totalitarianism
Chapter 310. : Town Meetings
Chapter 311. : Trade with Foreign Nations
Chapter 312. : Transportation Management in The United States
Chapter 313. : Treasury Systems
Chapter 314. : Treaties
Chapter 315. : Tribal Government
Chapter 316. : Two-Party Systems
Chapter 317. : Underdeveloped Nations
Chapter 318. : United Nations
Chapter 319. : Urban Governments
Chapter 320. : Urban Policy
Chapter 321. : Urban Renewal and Housing
Chapter 322. : Urbanization
Chapter 323. : Utilitarianism
Chapter 324. : Utopianism
Chapter 325. : The Vatican
Chapter 326. : Veto Power
Chapter 327. : Vico’s Political Philosophy
Chapter 328. : Voting Behavior in The United States
Chapter 329. : Voting in History
Chapter 330. : Voting Processes
Chapter 331. : War
Chapter 332. : The Welfare State
Chapter 333. : Women Suffrage
Chapter 334. : Women in Politics
Chapter 335. : The World Bank
Chapter 336. : The World Court
Chapter 337. : World Government and Environmental Protection
Chapter 338. : World Government Movements
Chapter 339. : The World Health Organization
Chapter 340. : World Political Organization
Chapter 341. : Zionism
