The Belt and Road Initiative : What will China Offer the World in Its Rise

Title: The Belt and Road Initiative : What will China Offer the World in Its Rise
Author: Wang Yiwei
ISBN: 7510455537 / 9787510455537
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 214
Publisher: New World Press
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock

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This book constitutes an authoritative interpretation of the Belt and Road Initiative by Professor Wang Yiwei, a distinguished expert on international issues. It is China's first book to explain the Belt and Road Initiative from the perspective of international relations. The author points out that the Belt and Road Initiative embodies the inherent logic of China's all-round opening up, demonstrates the inevitable trend of human civilization revival, reflects the necessary requirements of inclusive globalization, and marks China's fundamental transformation from being a participator to a shaper of globalization. The Belt and Road Initiative is a great proposal put forward by China and public goods created through international cooperation, which is faced with opportunities in terms of China's all-round opening up, peripheral diplomacy, regional cooperation and global development, as well as risks in security, economic, moral and legal fields. All these are interpreted through a dialect

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Preface : The 21st Century Begins with the Belt and Road
Introduction : The Story of Marco Polo's Chinese Dream

Part I : The Belt and Road Initiative will Transcend History
Chapter 1 :
What is the Belt and Road Initiative?
Chapter 2 : Why Build the Belt and Road?
Chapter 3 : Ancient Sild Road's Innovative Heritage Drives the Belt and Road Initiative Development
Chapter 4 : The Belt and Road Initiative will Transcend the Marshall Plan
Chapter 5 : The Belt and Road Initiative and Other Silk Road Revival Plans
Chapter 6 : Future Responsibilities of the Belt and Road Initiative

Part II : Opportunities for the World Offered by the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter 1 :
Opportunities for Regional Cooperation
Chapter 2 : Opportunities for Europe to Change the World
Chapter 3 : Opportunities for Global Development

Part III : Risks of the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter 1 :
Political Risks
Chapter 2 : Security Risks
Chapter 3 : Economic Risks
Chapter 4 : Legal Risks
Chapter 5 : Moral Risks

Part IV : Ways to Advance the Belt and Road Construction
Chapter 1 :
Innovation of Ideas under the "New Normal"
Chapter 2 : Innovative Theories : Global Integration
Chapter 3 : New Ways to Carry Out Pragmatic Cooperation

Conclusion : Improve the Belt and Road Narrative, and Offer International Public Goods
Appendix : Vision and Proposed Actions Outlined on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road