ASM Handbook Volume 22A : Fundamentals of Modeling for Metals Processing

Title: ASM Handbook Volume 22A : Fundamentals of Modeling for Metals Processing
Author: ASM
ISBN: 1615030018 / 9781615030019
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 670
Publisher: ASM International
Year: 2009
Availability: In Stock
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This Handbook provides an overview of the development of models of metallic materials and how the materials are affected by processing. This knowledge is central to understanding of the behavior of existing alloys and the development of new materials that affect nearly every manufacturing industry. Background on fundamental modeling methods provides the user with a solid foundation of the underlying physics that support the mechanistic method of many industrial simulation software packages. The phenomenological method is given equal coverage.

The substantial efforts of the past 25 years to develop and implement computer-based models to simulate manufacturing processes, the evolution of microstructures, and the effects on the mechanical properties within component materials are detailed. The rate of change within this area of engineering has continued to increase with increasing industrial benefits from the use of such engineering tools, and the reduced cost and increased speed of computing systems required to perform the extensive model calculations. This book serves as a reference to these developments and the governing principles on which they are based.

Leading experts from ten countries have contributed to this effort to provide a comprehensive reference for the modeling practitioner as well as those needing to learn modeling methods.

This Volume will be joined by a companion, Volume 22B, Metals Process Simulation, that will provide details on integrating these models into software tools to allow simulation of manufacturing processes.

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Authors and Contributors

Section 1 : Introduction
Introduction to Fundamentals of Modeling for Metals Processing
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
Model Quality Management

Section 2 : Fundamentals of Process Modeling
Modeling of Deformation Processes¯Slab and Upper Bound Methods
Modeling with The Finite-Element Method
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling
Transport Phenomena During Solidification
Modeling of Vapor-Phase Processes
Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficients for Thermal Modeling
Interface Effects for Deformation Processes
Heat-Transfer Interface Effects for Solidification Processes

Section 3 : Fundamentals of The Modeling of Microstructure and Texture Evolution
Modeling Diffusion in Binary and Multicomponent Alloys
Diffusivity and Mobility Data
Localization Parameter for The Prediction of Interface Structures and Reactions
Models for Martensitic Transformation
Modeling of Nucleation Processes
Models of Recrystallization
Crystal-Plasticity Fundamentals
Self-Consistent Modeling of Texture Evolution
Crystal-Scale Simulations Using Finite-Element Formulations
Cellular Automaton Models of Recrystallization
Monte Carlo Models for Grain Growth and Recyrstallization
Network and Vertex Models for Grain Growth
Phase-Field Microstructure Modeling
Modeling of Microstructure Evolution During Solidification Processing

Section 4 : Fundamentals of The Modeling of Damage Evolution and Defect Generation
Modeling and Simulation of Cavitation During Hot Working
Modeling of Cavity Initiation and Early Growth During Superplastic and Hot Deformation
Models for Fracture During Deformation Processing
Modeling of Hot Tearing and Other Defects in Casting Processes

Section 5 : Phenomenological or Mechanistic Models for Mechanical Properties
Modeling of Tensile Properties
Modeling of Creep
Microstructure-Sensitive Modeling and Simulation of Fatigue
Modeling Creep Fatigue
Modeling Fatigue Crack Growth
Neural-Network Modeling

Section 6 : Material Fundamentals
Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagram Modeling
Internal-State Variable Modeling of Plastic Flow
Constitutive Models for Superplastic Flow
Electronic Structure Methods Based on Density Functional Theory

Section 7 : Modeling of Microstructures
Simulation of Microstructural Evolution in Steels
Simulation of Microstructure and Texture Evolution in Aluminum Sheet
Modeling of Microstructure Evolution During The Thermomechanical Processing of Titanium Alloys
Modeling and Simulation of Texture Evolution During The Thermomechanical Processing of Titanium Alloys
Application of Neural-Network Models
Modeling of Microstructure Evolution During The Thermomechanical Processing of Nickle-Base Superalloys

Section 8 : Physical Data on The Elements and Alloys
Periodic Table of Elements
Periodic System for Ferrous Metallurgists
Physical Constants and Physical Properties of The Elements
Density of Metals and Alloys
Linear Thermal Expansion of Metals and Alloys
Thermal Conductivity of Metals and Alloys
Electrical Conductivity of Metals and Alloys
Vapor Pressures of The Elements

Section 9 : Reference Information
Metric Conversion Guide
Heat Transfer Equations
Fluid Dynamic Equations
Differential Calculus and Equations
Integral Calculus
Laplace Transformations
Glossary of Terms