Autonomous Safety Control of Flight Vehicles

Title: Autonomous Safety Control of Flight Vehicles
Author: Jin Jiang, Lei Guo, Xiang Yu, Youmin Zhang
ISBN: 0367701790 / 9780367701796
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 220
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2022
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
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List Price: £ 45.99

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Aerospace vehicles are by their very nature a crucial environment for safety-critical systems. By virtue of an effective safety control system, the aerospace vehicle can maintain high performance despite the risk of component malfunction and multiple disturbances, thereby enhancing aircraft safety and the probability of success for a mission.

Autonomous Safety Control of Flight Vehicles presents a systematic methodology for improving the safety of aerospace vehicles in the face of the following occurrences: a loss of control effectiveness of actuators and control surface impairments; the disturbance of observer-based control against multiple disturbances; actuator faults and model uncertainties in hypersonic gliding vehicles; and faults arising from actuator faults and sensor faults. Several fundamental issues related to safety are explicitly analyzed according to aerospace engineering system characteristics; while focusing on these safety issues, the safety control design problems of aircraft are studied and elaborated on in detail using systematic design methods. The research results illustrate the superiority of the safety control approaches put forward.

The expected reader group for this book includes undergraduate and graduate students but also industry practitioners and researchers.

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Chapter 1 : The Development of Safety Control Systems
Chapter 2 : Hybrid Fault-Tolerant Control System Design against Actuator Failures
Chapter 3 : Safety Control System Design against Control Surface Impairments
Chapter 4 : Multiple Observers based Anti-Disturbance Control for a Quadrotor UAV
Chapter 5 : Safety Control System Design of HGV based on Adaptive TSMC
Chapter 6 : Safety Control System Design of HGV based on Fixed-Time Observer
Chapter 7 : Fault Accommodation with Consideration of Control Authority and Gyro Availability
