Climate Responsive Architecture : A Design Handbook for Energy Efficient Buildings, (With CD-ROM)

Title: Climate Responsive Architecture : A Design Handbook for Energy Efficient Buildings, (With CD-ROM)
Author: Arvind Krishan, Nick Baker, Simos Yannas, Steve Szokolay
ISBN: 0074632183 / 9780074632185
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 340
Publisher: TMH
Year: 2013
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article

The book envisages to re-create if process by which buildings and entire communities can be designed to respond to nature with climate as the basic parameter of design.

With the imminent threat of exhausting our energy resources, more and more people have turned to non-conventional, eco-friendly energy sources. The architect community is not far behind in this endeavour. ?Climate Responsive Architecture? has become a prime issue for architects. Since most of the literature in this area is physics oriented, it is somewhat difficult for architects to apply these principles to practice. The book has been written with a view to make data, such as climatic zones, temperature zones, and other climatic parameters more comprehensible. The book is the outcome of a long drawn research in the area of CRA and boasts of international names such as Dr Nick Baker, Prof Szokolay, Prof Simos Yannas and Dr Jeffrey Cook among others.

Part one discusses the design tools, methodology, latest developments in energy efficient architecture, lighting systems and materials, and is suitably aided by a no of insertions and photographs.

Part two contains climatic and environmental data for places like Leh, Shimla, Guwahati, Bangalore, Calcutta, Jaisalmer, etc. encompassing all the temperature zones of the country. These parameters are:

* Solar radiation
* Air humidity
* Air temperature
* Wind
* Precipitation

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Acknowledgement s
List of Abbreviations

Part I : Principles and Elements of Design
Chapter 1 :
Global Context
Chapter 2 : Shelter or Form
Chapter 3 : Climate and Thermal Comfort in India
Chapter 4 : Passive Heating and Cooling Design Strategies
Chapter 5 : Settlement Patterns and Site Planning
Chapter 6 : The Building Envelope
Chapter 7 : Openings and Daylighting
Chapter 8 : Natural Ventilation of Buildings in India
Chapter 9 : Appropriate Technology for a Climatically Responsive Low Energy Architecture
Chapter 10 : Design Tools
Chapter 11 : Actual Projects and Case Studies

Part II : Design Data
Chapter 12 :
Climatic Parameters
Chapter 13 : Climatic Context
Chapter 14 : Climatic Data
Chapter 15 : Solar Shading Masks
Chapter 16 : Analysis of Radiation on Different Surfaces and Hourly Ambient Temperature Variations
Chapter 17 : Vegetation Data
Chapter 18 : Data Tables