Cracking The Sales Management Code : The Secrets to Measuring and Managing Sales Performance

Title: Cracking The Sales Management Code : The Secrets to Measuring and Managing Sales Performance
Author: Jason Jordan, Michelle Vazzana
ISBN: 1259028747 / 9781259028748
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 258
Publisher: TMH
Year: 2012
Availability: Out of Stock
Special Indian Edition

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There are literally thousands of books on selling, coaching, and leadership, but what about the particulars of managing a sales force? Where are the frameworks, metrics, and best practices to help you succeed?

Based on extensive research into how world-class companies measure and manage their sales forces, Cracking the Sales Management Code is the first operating manual for sales management. In it you will discover:

  • The five critical processes that drive sales performance
  • How to choose the right processes for your own team
  • The three levels of sales metrics you must collect
  • Which metrics you can ?manage? and which ones you can?t
  • How to prioritize conflicting sales objectives
  • How to align seller activities with business results
  • How to use CRM to improve the impact of coaching

As Neil Rackham writes in the foreword: 'There's an acute shortage of good books on the specifics of sales management. Cracking the Sales Management Code is about the practical specifics of sales management in the new era, and it fills a void.?

Cracking the Sales Management Code fills that void by providing foundational knowledge about how the sales force works. It reveals the gears and levers that actually control sales results. It adds clarity to things that you intuitively know and provides insight into things that you don?t. It will change the way you manage your sellers from day to day, as well as the results you get from year to year.

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Foreword by Neil Rackham

Part 1 : Metrics, Metrics Everywhere
Chapter 1 :
CRM, Reporting, and a False Sense of Control

Part 2 : The Sales Management Code . . . Cracked!
Chapter 2 :
What Can We Really Manage?
Chapter 3 : Business Results - the Company's Health
Chapter 4 : Sales Objectives - the Sales Force's Mandates
Chapter 5 : Sales Activities - the Drivers of Sales Performance

Part 3 : Using the Code to Manage Your Sales Force
Chapter 6 :
Building the Foundation for Control
Chapter 7 : Selecting and Collecting Your Metrics
Chapter 8 : Managing with Processes and Numbers
Chapter 9 : Mission Accomplished

Appendix : Troubleshooting Guide