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Metro structures generally end up being located in heavily built-up urban environments, often in difficult ground conditions which present diverse challenges in their design and construction, Soil-Structure interaction is key to the design of cut-and-cover structures, and so appreciation of geotechnical principles in as inportant as a clear understanding of structural concepts. To envolve the best design solution you need to understand both structural and geotechnical principles and have a clear grasp of the influence of the method and sequence of construction on design. This book presents an integrated approach, incorporating all of these factors.
Metro structures, an the apotheosis of cut-and-cover structures-in terms both of complexity and scale - are the primary focus of this book. This gives the subject of design in the context of cut-and-cover construction the coherence, extent and quality of coverage it needs. It addresses different design issues likely to be faced at the various, stages, including those aspects of construction which have a bearing on design. Principles are amplified with real-life worked examples. This treatment of the multifaceted aspects of design of metro structures in equally applicable to other, simpler, cut-and-cover structures as well.
The product of life's work in the field, this book presents, for the first time and in one volume, a vital and unique resource for practising engineers designing and constructing all kinds of cut-and-cover structures, especially metro structures.