Dealing with People You Can't Stand : How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst, 3rd Edition

Title: Dealing with People You Can't Stand : How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst, 3rd Edition
Author: Dr. Rick Brinkman, Dr. Rick Kirschner
ISBN: 1259029204 / 9781259029202
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 284
Publisher: TMH
Year: 2012
Availability: Out of Stock

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Dealing with People You Can't Stand has been helping good people deal with bad behavior in a positive, professional way for nearly two decades.

Unfortunately, as the world becomes smaller and time more compressed, new difficult people are being made all the time. So Kirschner and Brinkman have updated their global bestseller to help you wring positive results from even the most twisted interactions you?re likely to experience today.

Learn how to get things done and get along when you?re dealing with people who have the uncanny ability to sabotage, derail, and interfere with your plans, needs, and wants. Learn how to:

Use sophisticated listening techniques to unlock the doors to people? s minds, hearts, and deepest needs
Apply ?take-charge? skills that turn conflict into cooperation by reducing the differences between people
Transform the destructive behavior of Tanks, Snipers, Know-It-Alls, Whiners, Martyrs, Meddlers, and other difficult types of people

Whether you?re dealing with a coworker trying to take credit for your work, a distant family member who knows no personal bounds, or a loud cell phone talker on line at the grocery store, Dealing with People You Can?t Stand gives you the tools for bringing out the best in people at their worst.

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Part I : Getting to Know the People You Can't Stand
Chapter 1 :
The (10 3) Most Unwanted List
Chapter 2 : The Lens of Understanding
Chapter 3 : The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

Part II : Surviving Through Skillful Communications
Chapter 4 :
From Conflict to Cooperation
Chapter 5 : Listen to Understand
Chapter 6 : Reach a Deeper Understanding
Chapter 7 : Speak to be Understood
Chapter 8 : Get What You Project and Expect
Chapter 9 : How to Change Your Attitude

Part III : Bringing Out the Best in People at Their Worst
Chapter 10 :
The Tank
Chapter 11 : The Sniper
Chapter 12 : The Know-It-All
Chapter 13 : The Think-They-Know-It-All
Chapter 14 : The Grenade
Chapter 15 : The Yes Person
Chapter 16 : The Maybe Person
Chapter 17 : The Nothing Person
Chapter 18 : The Whiner
Chapter 19 : The No Person
Chapter 20 : The Judge
Chapter 21 : The Meddler
Chapter 22 : The Martyr
Chapter 23 : What if People Can't Stand You?

Part IV : Communication in a Digital Age
Chapter 24 :
Communication and the Challenge of Technology
Chapter 25 : The Eight Ounces of Prevention in Phone Communication
Chapter 26 : The Eight Ounces of Prevention in E-Mail Communication

Afterword : How to Take the Big Step of Applying the Little Steps in This Books