Diesel Particulate Emissions: Measurement Techniques, Fuel Effects and Control Technology

Title: Diesel Particulate Emissions: Measurement Techniques, Fuel Effects and Control Technology
Author: John H. Johnson, Thomas M. Baines and James C. Clerc
ISBN: 1560913045 / 9781560913047
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 665
Publisher: SAE
Year: 1992
Availability: In Stock

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This book covers the last 11 years of research in the measurement and control of diesel particulate emissions. The main focus is on engine and aftertreatment controls, with additional information on combustion formation fundamentals, measurement techniques, characterization studies, fuel and additives effects, and health related studies.
Extensive research has been undertaken during the last 11 years to enable manufacturers to meet U.S. EPA standards calling for the control of diesel particulates and NOx reductions, and to minimize the potential health risk of diese exhaust. Diesel Particulate Emisssions contains 35 papers, dating from 1981 through 1992, which were determined to have the most long-term reference value on this subject.
A bibiliography lists additional papers and other references in the diesel particulte area. Anyone with an interest in diesel engines and their emissions will find Diesel Particulate Emissions to be a valuable reference source.

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Overview of Particulate and NOx Reduction Strategies
Measurement Techniques, Characterization and Fundamental Considerations
Fuel and Additive Effects
Engine and Aftertreatment Controls