Dynamics and Control of Large Electric Power Systems

Title: Dynamics and Control of Large Electric Power Systems
Author: John Zaborszky, Marija Iliæ
ISBN: 0471298581 / 9780471298588
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 856
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article

This book fills a void in the existing power systems literature, providing an unusually comprehensive, detailed treatment of the dynamics and control of large electric power systems.

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Part I : Modeling The Structure and Components
Chapter 1 :
Quasistationary Phasor Concepts
Chapter 2 : Analytical Dynamic Model of the Power System
Chapter 3 : Models for Computer-Aided Analysis and Control

Part II : Analysis of Stationary and Dynamic Processes
Chapter 4 :
Stationary Analysis
Chapter 5 : Analysis of Linearized (Small-Signal) Dynamics
Chapter 6 : Introduction to the Concepts and Structure of Comprehensive Power-System Dynamics
Chapter 7 : Smooth Nonlinear Dynamics of the Large Power System
Chapter 8 : Dynamic Computation Analysis on Realistic Size (Thousands of Buses) Systems with Real-Life Examples
Chapter 9 : Large Smooth Systems with Embedded Discontinuous Nonlinear Constraints
Chapter 10 : Beyond Quasistationarity and the Lumped-Parameter Model

Part III : Control and Stabilization
Chapter 11 :
Primary Control of Electric Power Systems
Chapter 12 : Stationary Generation Control (Ignoring Congestion)
Chapter 13 : Stationary Generation Control (with Congestion)
