Electric Power Generation : A Nontechnical Guide

Title: Electric Power Generation : A Nontechnical Guide
Author: Dave Barnett and Kirk Bjornsgaard
ISBN: 0878147535 / 9780878147533
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 337
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
  • Description
  • Feature
  • Contents

nlike more technical texts stuffed with formulae and theories, this book explains in plain English how power is created and replaces formulae with everyday examples and easy-to-understand illustrations.

It opens with an explanation of how electricity is generated, then covers the planning and development of electric power stations, emphasizing modern considerations of merchant power plants, repowering, and the growth of gas turbine generation. The "facts" of generation are covered in part two—boilers, turbines, generators, hydro and pumped storage, and "alternative" generations sources, suchs geothermal, tidal, solar, and wind. Maintenance and operations are covered in basic overview format. Finally, environmental considerations—again, an increasing concern in light of deregulation and environmental law—are reviewed.

In addition, the authors cover specific features and fuel-types in nontechnical terms. Industry newcomers will appreciate this clear explanation of how power is created.

• Nontechnical approach aids those new to the generation business
• Thoroughly covers the operation and maintenance of all plant types
• Discusses the generation industry in light of electric industry deregulation

List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Acronyms
Introduction : A Change in the Air

Part 1 : Electricity
Chapter 1 : From Frogs Legs to Microwaves
Chapter 2 : Generation is Energy Conversion

Part 2 : Planning and Development of Electric Power Stations
Chapter 3 : Classic Considerations
Chapter 4 : Technology-Driven Changes
Chapter 5 : Fuels and Fuels Handling

Part 3 : Electric Power Generation
Chapter 6 : Prime Movers : Steam Boilers, Storage, and More
Chapter 7 : Furnaces and Boilers
Chapter 8 : Steam Turbines
Chapter 9 : Generators
Chapter 10 : Fossil-Fired Steam Plants
Chapter 11 : Nuclear Steam Plants
Chapter 12 : Gas Turbine Plants and Cogeneration
Chapter 13 : Hydroelectric vs. Pumped Storage
Chapter 14 : The Alternative Fuels : Geothermal, Wind, Solar, Tidal, and Biomass Generation
Chapter 15 : The Future : Building On What’s Been Done

Part 4 : Maintenance, Operations, and Transmission and Distribution
Chapter 16 : Maintenance
Chapter 17 : Operations
Chapter 18 : Transmission and Distribution

Part 5 : Ecological and Environmental Considerations and Safety
Chapter 19 : Cultural Aspects
Chapter 20 : Safety First, Last, and Always
