Frank N. Magill

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Author: Frank N. Magill
ISBN: 8121919487 / 9788121919487
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock
The International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics examines the full scope of the science and practice of politics. From the early political models of Aristotle and Plato to our own parliamen...
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List Price: ` 5550
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Author: Frank N. Magill
ISBN: 8121919460 / 9788121919463
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock
With a scope at once broad and comprehensive, the International Encyclopedia of Economics examines the discipline's wide range, covering topics that are as specific as the General Agreement on Tar...
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List Price: ` 5550
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Author: Frank N. Magill
ISBN: 8121919479 / 9788121919470
Year: 1996
Availability: Out of Stock
This is a comprehensive encyclopedia that provides the general reader or student with an insight into the main topics and concerns of sociology. It contains 335 signed articles with a comprehensive ...
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List Price: ` 5550

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