Hacking Digital: Best Practices to Implement and Accelerate Your Business Transformation

Title: Hacking Digital: Best Practices to Implement and Accelerate Your Business Transformation
Author: Didier Bonnet, Michael Wade, Nikolaus Obwegeser, Tomoko Yokoi
ISBN: 1264269625 / 9781264269624
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 336
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2021
Availability: Send us an Email (info@standardsmedia.com) for more details

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Digital transformation has become commonplace across public and private sector organizations, and yet most struggle to achieve tangible results from it. Many make avoidable mistakes or fall into simple traps along the way. Written by a team of global digital transformation thought leaders, Hacking Digital provides practical advice and information that you need to successfully transform your organization. 

Hacking Digital is organized into six easy-to-follow sections:

• Initiating Your Digital Transformation
• Setting Up the Right Organizational Dynamics 
• Working with the Outside World
• Creating Value in New Ways
• Leading People and Organizations
• Anchoring and Sustaining Performance

How do you create a sense of urgency? How do you set up digital governance? How do you create successful digital offerings? How do you manage the relationship between digital transformation and IT? How do you scale digital initiatives?

Hacking Digital answers these and many other questions you need to transform your organization and seize a competitive edge for years to come. www.hackingdigital.org

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Part One : Hacking The First Steps Initiating Your Digital Transformation
Chapter 1 : Creating A Clear And Powerful Transformation Objective 
Chapter 2 : Building Urgency When Your Business Is Doing Well 
Chapter 3 : Aligning The Top Team To Drive Transformation Success 
Chapter 4 : Building Organizational Momentum And Engagement 
Chapter 5 : Taking An Inventory Of Existing Digital Initiatives 
Chapter 6 : Funding Your Digital Transformation Program 

Part Two : Hacking The Internal Organization Setting Up The Right Organizational Dynamics
Chapter 7 : How To Get Your Board Onboard 
Chapter 8 : Choosing The Right Digital Governance Model 
Chapter 9 : How To Make Digital And It Work Together 
Chapter 10 : Accelerating Digital Using Agile Methods 
Chapter 11 : Building And Managing Technology Infrastructure 

Part Three : Hacking The External Environment Working With The Outside World
Chapter 12 : Building Hyperawareness Into Your Organization 
Chapter 13 : Managing Partnerships And Ecosystems 
Chapter 14 : Investing In Startups 
Chapter 15 : Implementing Open Innovation Effectively 
Chapter 16 : Managing Digital Transformation Responsibly And Sustainably 

Part Four : Hacking The Business Model Transition Creating Value In New Ways
Chapter 17 : Moving From Product-Centricity To Services And Solutions 
Chapter 18 : Convincing Customers To Pay For Digital Services 
Chapter 19 : Competing Against Or Working With Digital Platforms 
Chapter 20 : Building A Balanced Portfolio Of Digital Initiatives 

Part Five : Hacking Digital Transformation Leadership Leading People And Organizations
Chapter 21 : The Characteristics Of Agile Digital Leadership 
Chapter 22 : How Digital Leaders Can Establish And Maintain Credibility 
Chapter 23 : Making The Cdo Role A Success 
Chapter 24 : How Best To Develop Digital Skills Within Your Organization 
Chapter 25 : Working Across Silos 

Part Six : Hacking Digital Momentum Anchoring And Sustaining Performance
Chapter 26 : Setting Up A Pipeline Of Digital Initiatives 
Chapter 27 : Scaling Digital Initiatives 
Chapter 28 : Measuring The Performance Of Digital Initiatives 
Chapter 29 : Staying On Top Of New Technologies 
Chapter 30 : How To Leverage Digital For Organizational Resilience Conclusion 
