Handbook of Energy Harvesting Power Supplies and Applications

Title: Handbook of Energy Harvesting Power Supplies and Applications
Author: Loreto Mateu, Markus Pollak, Peter Spies
ISBN: 9814241865 / 9789814241861
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 500
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Year: 2014
Availability: Out of Stock

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With a strong foundation in material science and electronic engineering, this book describes the fundamentals and principles in the field of energy harvesting. Using a systems approach from overall system design down to device and component level, it provides the necessary theory and information to develop energy harvesting power supplies. The book explains overall system design and quantitative assumptions on environmental energy. Each block composing an energy harvesting power supply is analyzed and the book discusses trade-offs related to the design of the required buildings. The contributors cover different energy transducer technologies such as piezo-electric, electro-dynamic, solar-cells, and thermo-electric generators.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : System Design
Chapter 3 : Input Energy
Chapter 4 : Piezo-electric Transducers
Chapter 5 : Electro-dynamic Transducers
Chapter 6 : Electro-static Transducers
Chapter 7 : Thermo-Generators
Chapter 8 : Solar-Cells
Chapter 9 : Fuel Cells
Chapter 10 : Power Management
Chapter 11 : Radio Frequency Transmission
Chapter 12 : Batteries
Chapter 13 : Capacitors
Chapter 14 : Applications
