Hazardous Waste Laws, Regulations, and Taxes

Title: Hazardous Waste Laws, Regulations, and Taxes
Author: David E. Fenster
ISBN: 0878143513 / 9780878143511
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 228
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 1990
Availability: In Stock
  • Contents

List of Figures
List of Tables

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : The Superfund Program
Chapter 3 : The RCRA Program
Chapter 4 : Regulations Affecting Refining
Chapter 5 : Conclusion : Impact on U.S. Refining
Chapter 6 : Policy Alternatives
Chapter 7 : Future Regulatory Issues

Appendix A : Selected Chronology for U.S. Refiners
Appendix B : Reports of Interest to U.S. Refiners
Appendix C : State Hazardous Waste Management Agencies
Appendix D : EPA Regional Waste Management Offices
Appendix E : Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form
Appendix F : SARA TITLE III Consolidated Chemical List