Modern Dairy Products, 3rd Edition

Title: Modern Dairy Products, 3rd Edition
Author: Lincoln M. Lampert
ISBN: 0820603600 / 9780820603605
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 448
Publisher: Chemical Publishing Co. Inc.
Year: 1975
Availability: 45-60 days

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This book presents reliable information, in a non-technical manner, on the composition, nutritive value, manufacture, chemistry, and bacteriology of milk and dairy products.

The book introduces the reader to the broad aspects of the dairy industry and the possibilities of bringing in new techniques.

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Chapter 1 : Milk as a Food
Chapter 2 : Milk Fat
Chapter 3 : The Milk Proteins
Chapter 4 : Lactose
Chapter 5 : The Minerals and Water in Milk
Chapter 6 : The Vitamins in Milk
Chapter 7 : Dairy Microbiology and Sanitation
Chapter 8 : Antibiotics-Pesticides-Radioactivity
Chapter 9 : Grades and Classes of Milk
Chapter 10 : Flavors-Flavor and Other Defects
Chapter 11 : Pasteurization Procedures
Chapter 12 : Fluid Milk Products
Chapter 13 : Cream
Chapter 14 : Cultures-Fermented Milk Products
Chapter 15 : Concentrated Milk Products
Chapter 16 : Ice Cream and Related Products
Chapter 17 : Dry Milk Products
Chapter 18 : Butter
Chapter 19 : Cheese
Chapter 20 : The Testing of Milk-Dairy Arithmetic
Chapter 21 : Imitation Milk Products
