Nuclear Power : Current and Future Role in The World Electricity Generation

Title: Nuclear Power : Current and Future Role in The World Electricity Generation
Author: Jorge Morales Pedraza
ISBN: 1617285048 / 9781617285042
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 544
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
Year: 2012
Availability: In Stock

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It is an undisputed reality that the energy production and, particularly, the production of electricity and their sustained growth, constitute indispensable elements for the economic and social progress of any country. Without any doubt, energy constitute the motive force of the civilization and it determines, in a high degree, the level of economic and social development of a country. To ensure an adequate economic and social growth of a country, there is a need to use all available types of energy sources for electricity production, including nuclear energy. This book discusses the role of nuclear power in the world electricity generation.

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About The Author

Chapter 1 : General Overview
Chapter 2 : Some Relevant Elements Associated With The Introduction of The Expansion of a Nuclear Power Programme
Chapter 3 : The Current Situation and Perspectives in The Use of Nuclear Energy for Electricity Generation in North America
Chapter 4 : The Current Situation and Perspectives in The Use of Nuclear Energy for Electricity Generation in The European Region
Chapter 5 : The Current Situation and Perspectives in The Use of Nuclear Energy for Electricity Generation in Asia and The Pacific
Chapter 6 : The Current Situation and Perspectives in The Use of Nuclear Energy for Electricity Generation in The Latin American Region
Chapter 7 : The Perspectives of The Introduction of a Nuclear Power Programme in The Middle East and in The North of Africa
Chapter 8 : The Current Situation and The Perspectives in The Use of Nuclear Energy for Electricity Generation in The African Region
Chapter 9 : Conclusion
