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Local Government is under ever increasing pressure to operate effectively and economically. The current Best Value regime means that both value for money and the imperative of continuously improving performance drive Authorities to ensure they procure goods and services in an effective manner.
This new book interprets statutory Best Value requirements to provide a practical guide for Authority Members and staff as to the right way to choose a procurement strategy. It focuses on construction and services provided over a period of time rather than purchases of goods or equipment, as it is the more complex service contracts that have the highest potential for error and inefficiency. It:
- clarifies what and how decisions on procurement should be made;
- discusses how greater economy may be achieved;
- considers issues of probity and integrity;
- considers the longer-term consequenses of decisions;
- reviews legislation and other rules that must be followed;
- advises on best practice, including reviews of past performance; and
- clarifies appropriate methods of monitoring contracts.
Embracing Best Value means that procurement strategies must be reviewed. There is no one ideal way to procure services, but this essential guide will provide readers with the methods to choose the most appropriate strategy for their situation, laying the basis for a logical process which will help confirm that decisions will indeed deliver optimum value.