Statistical Quality Control: A Loss Minimization Approach

Title: Statistical Quality Control: A Loss Minimization Approach
Author: Dan Trietsch
ISBN: 9810230311 / 9789810230319
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1401
Publisher: World Scientific
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock

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This book covers SQC in a way that conforms with the need to minimize loss. Subjects often not covered elsewhere include: (i) measurements, (ii) determining how many points to sample to obtain reliable control charts, is introduced), (iii) the connection between process capability and tolerances, (iv) how to adapt Deming's kp rule to quadratic loss, (v) how to adjust without tampering.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction to Shewhart Control Charts
Chapter 2 : On Measurement
Chapter 3 : Partial Measurement of Quality by Loss Functions and Production Costs
Chapter 4 : Adjusting Processes Without Tampering
Chapter 5 : Shewhart Control Charts for Attributes
Chapter 6 : Control Charts for Continuous Variables
Chapter 7 : Pattern Tests For Shewhart Control Charts
Chapter 8 : Difference Analysis of Control Charts and Difference Charts
Chapter 9 : Inspection Theory
