Structural and Stress Analysis : Theories, Tutorials and Examples, 2nd Edition

Title: Structural and Stress Analysis : Theories, Tutorials and Examples, 2nd Edition
Author: Jianqiao Ye
ISBN: 1482220334 / 9781482220339
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 278
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2016
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
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List Price: £ 84.99

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New Edition Now Covers Thin Plates, Plastic Deformation, Dynamics and Vibration

Structural and stress analysis is a core topic in a range of engineering disciplines – from structural engineering through to mechanical and aeronautical engineering and materials science.

Structural and Stress Analysis: Theories, Tutorials and Examples, Second Edition provides and supports a conceptual understanding of the theories and formulae, and focuses on the basic principles rather than on the formulae and the solution procedures. It emphasizes problem solving through a structured series of tutorials and problems which build up students’ understanding and encourage both numerical and conceptual approaches. It stands apart from other texts which set out rigorous mathematic derivations of formulae followed by worked examples and questions for practice. Students need to be capable of not only solving a structural problem using formulas, but also of understanding their solutions in practical and physical terms.

Notwithstanding, the book covers a good range of topics: tension and compression; shear; torsion; bending, properties of cross-sections; shear force and bending moment diagrams; stresses in beams; deflection of beams; complex stresses and theories of elastic failure; energy methods; statically indeterminate systems; and structural instability. The new edition includes more topics, such as plastic deformation, dynamics and introduction to the thin plate theory, which are essential when students start their design courses.

Structural and Stress Analysis: Theories, Tutorials and Examples, Second Edition not only suits undergraduates but is useful for professional engineers who want to get a good grasp of the basic concepts of stress analysis.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Axial Tension and Compression
Chapter 3 : Torsion
Chapter 4 : Shear and Bending Moment
Chapter 5 : Bending Stresses in Symmetric Beams
Chapter 6 : Deflection of Beams Under Bending
Chapter 7 : Complex Stresses
Chapter 8 : Complex Strains and Strain Gauges
Chapter 9 : Theories of Elastic Failure
Chapter 10 : Buckling of Columns
Chapter 11 : Energy Method
Chapter 12 : Bending of Thin Plates
Chapter 13 : Impact Loads and Vibration
