TPM Gallops Across The Globe : TPM in Non-Shopfloor Departments

Title: TPM Gallops Across The Globe : TPM in Non-Shopfloor Departments
Author: Tokutaro Suzuki
ISBN: 8190356453 / 9788190356459
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 334
Publisher: CII
Year: 2008
Availability: Out of Stock
  • Contents

Message from the Author
Message from Chairman
Message from the Desk of TPM Club of India

Chapter 1 : Transition in TPM & Its Future Path
Section 1 :
Transition in the Manufacturing Industry & Its Future
Section 2 : TPM Gallops Across the Global Manufacturing Industry
Section 3 : Pursuing Lean Management for Speedy Management

Chapter 2 : Making Management more Efficient
Section 1 :
Speeding up Management in Administration and Support Functions
Section 2 : Practicing Project Management

Chapter 3 : Techniques to Guide Product & Equipment Development Projects to Success
Chapter 4 : TPM in the New Age

List of Acronyms