The Art of Sculpture Welding : From Concept to Creation

Title: The Art of Sculpture Welding : From Concept to Creation
Author: Kristi Richardson, McCoy
ISBN: 0831135166 / 9780831135164
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 336
Publisher: Industrial Press
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
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This extraordinary seven-part book covers the processes of creating 13 projects -- from pencils to vases to bicycles -- for all personalities, skill levels and interests. It is specifically designed for students, beginning welders, hobbyists, and do-it-yourselfers. Many of the plans have been built multiple times by students and others. The plans are easy to read and the projects are meant to motivate the reader to want to learn the welding and fabrication processes. All plans include a list of materials, dimensions, special notes as needed, plus any commentaries about special equipment that might be necessary to complete the project.

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  • Includes designed plans instructors can use to teach students all facets of the welding environment in a fun and challenging way.
  • All 14 projects were developed because students wanted to build them. A parts list included with each project allows students and instructors to easily complete a cost estimate.
  • The book starts with projects on beginning fabrication, teaching students how to measure, identify types of steel, use a scribe, a square, plasma and cutting torches.
  • During the welding process students experience real-life situations where they must tack up a project, check for square, and ensure part size is exact so that joints are not too wide to weld.
  • Some projects are designed for specific welding applications but can be easily changed to fit all the welding processes including MIG, TIG, AC/DC, and Oxy/Acetylene welding.

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Part I : Beginning Gas Metal Arc Welding Projects
Chapter 1 :
Chpater 2 : Wagon

Part II : Beginning Shielded Metal Arc Welding Projects
Chapter 3 :
Chapter 4 : Bowl
Chapter 5 : Number One

Part III : Beginning Gas Welding Projects
Chapter 6 :
Chapter 7 : Vase

Part IV : Beginning Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Projects
Chapter 8 :
Pencil Holder
Chapter 9 : Tractor

Part V : Heating, Bending, Rolling, and Wrought Iron Projects
Chapter 10 :
Shooting Target
Chapter 11 : Dinner Bell
Chapter 12 : Decorative Vase
Chapter 13 : Tricycle Plant Stands
