Total Record : 3
Author: James I. Taylor & D.Wyndell Kirkland
ISBN: 0964051737 / 9780964051737
Year: 2004
Availability: Out of Stock
This is the first book dedicated solely to accurate diagnosis of defects in antifriction bearings using vibration analysis. It contains 10 chapters and 297 pages of analytical descriptions of how be...
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List Price: ` 8200

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Author: James I. Taylor
ISBN: 0964051710 / 9780964051713
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock
This book includes 12 chapters describing the latest technology for diagnosing a wide variety of gear problems including how each cycle of gearmesh frequency is generated, how to distinguish between...
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List Price: ` 7500

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Author: James I. Taylor
ISBN: 0964051729 / 9780964051720
Year: 2003
Availability: Out of Stock
this book is the result of over 20 years of research and development in vibration analysis. This hardbound volume contains 6 chapters and 375 pages of analytical descriptions of how frequencies are ...
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List Price: ` 7500

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