Water Management : Social and Technological Perspectives

Title: Water Management : Social and Technological Perspectives
Author: Iqbal M. Mujtaba, Mutiu Kolade Amosa, Thokozani Majozi
ISBN: 1032094443 / 9781032094441
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 592
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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Exponential growth in population and improved standards of living demand increasing amount of freshwater and are putting serious strain on the quantity of naturally available freshwater worldwide.

Water Management: Social and Technological Perspectives
discusses developments in energy-efficient water production, management, wastewater treatment, and social and political aspects related to water management and re-use of treated water. It features a scientific and technological perspective to meeting current and future needs, discussing such technologies as membrane separation using reverse osmosis, the use of nanoparticles for adsorption of impurities from wastewater, and the use of thermal methods for desalination. The book also discusses increasing the efficiency of water usage in industrial, agricultural, and domestic applications to ensure a sustainable system of water production, usage, and recycling. With 30 chapters authored by internationally renowned experts, this work offers readers a comprehensive view of both social and technological outlooks to help solve this global issue.

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Section 1 : Social Perspective
Chapter 1 :
Water Security and The Rise of Sectarian Conflict in Yemen
Chapter 2 : Water Diplomacy : Solving The Equations of Conflict, Economic Growth, Social Wellbeing and Ecosystem Demand
Chapter 3 : Achieving Effective Water Management and Access Within Africa’s Socio-Political and Cultural Complexities : Issues and Policy Directions/Options

Section 2 : Freshwater by Desalination
Chapter 4 :
The Capability of Forward Osmosis in Irrigation Water Supply
Chapter 5 : Recent Advancements in The Application of Microbial Desalination Cells for Water Desalination, Wastewater Treatment, and Energy Production
Chapter 6 : Effect of The Draw Solution on The Efficiency of Two-Stage FO-RO/BWRO for Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination
Chapter 7 : Freshwater Production Using Multiple-Effect Evaporator
Chapter 8 : Freshwater Production by Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) Desalination Process

Section 3 : Wastewater Treatment : Membrane and Polymer Based Process
Chapter 9 :
Modelling of Pore-Blocking Behaviors of Low-Pressure Membranes During Constant-Pressure Filtration of an Agro-Industrial Wastewater
Chapter 10 : Sodalite and Chitosan Based Composite Membrane Materials for Treatment of Metal-Containing Wastewater in Mining Operations
Chapter 11 : The Removal of Phenol and Phenolic Compounds from Wastewater Using Reverse Osmosis : Process Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization

Section 4 : Wastewater Treatment : Oxidation and Electrochemical Process
Chapter 12 :
Industrial Three Phase Oxidation Reactor for Wastewater Treatment
Chapter 13 : Electrolytic Treatment of Wastewater for Reuse Purposes, Case Study of The New Damietta Harbor Plants
Chapter 14 : Inactivation of Waterborne Pathogens in Municipal Wastewater Using Ozone
Chapter 15 : Photocatalytic Oxidation of Non-Acid Oxygenated Hydrocarbons : Application in Gtl Process Water Treatment

Section 5 : Wastewater Treatment : Adsorption Process
Chapter 16 :
Bio-Sorption of Methylene Blue Dye Using Anise Tea Residue
Chapter 17 : Libs Technique as an Evaluation Tool for Improving Industrial Wastewater Quality by Different Adsorption Methods
Chapter 18 : Low Cost Adsorbent for Ammonia Nitrogen Removal : A Review

Section 6 : Wastewater Treatment : Biological Processes
Chapter 19 :
Application of Natural Zeolite in Textile Wastewater Treatment : Integrated Photodegradation and Anaerobic Digestion System
Chapter 20 : Mathematical Process Modeling and Biokinetics of Activated Sludge Processes
Chapter 21 : Hythane (H2 and Ch4) Production from Petrochemical Wastewater Via Anaerobic Digestion Process
Chapter 22 : Anaerobic Degradation of Lipid-Rich Wastewater

Section 7 : Water Networks
Chapter 23 :
Regeneration-Recycling of Industrial Wastewater to Minimise Usage of Freshwater Using Water Cascade Analysis
Chapter 24 : Total Site Water Integration Considering Multiple Water Reuse Headers
Chapter 25 : Exploring Water Reuse Opportunities in a Large-Scale Milk Processing Plant Through Process Integration

Section 8 : Water Management
Chapter 26 :
A Case of Waste-Water Management Modelling at Southern Singapore Sea : Application for Coral Reefs Protection
Chapter 27 : Catchments as Asset Systems : A Transdisciplinary Approach for Integrated Water Resources Management
Chapter 28 : Water Efficiency Lapses and Sustainable Solutions : Educational Buildings in Johannesburg South Africa

Section 9 : Water-Energy Nexus
Chapter 29 :
Simultaneous Optimization of Water and Energy in Integrated Water and Membrane Networks : A Case for Water-Energy Nexus
Chapter 30 : Interaction of Energy Consumption, Energy Quality and Freshwater Production in Multi Effect Desalination Process
