Wind Power : The Industry Grows Up

Title: Wind Power : The Industry Grows Up
Author: Rebecca L. Busby
ISBN: 1593702442 / 9781593702441
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 568
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 2012
Availability: In Stock

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In her timely new book, best-selling author Rebecca Busby provides a balanced, comprehensive view of the wind power industry. Dr. Jon G. McGowan recommends this well-written and well-documented book as “required reading for people who want to obtain an initial overview of this most interesting energy field.”

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List of Illustrations

Chapter 1 : Overview : How Wind Power Works
Chapter 2 : Components : What’s a Wind Turbine Made Of?
Chapter 3 : Wind Power System Design : Combining Strength and Flexibility
Chapter 4 : Small Wind Power : Traditional Systems and Alternative Designs
Chapter 5 : Assessment : Mapping and Measuring The World’s Wind
Chapter 6 : Wind Farms : Developing and Operating Wind Power Plants
Chapter 7 : Wind Power Integration : Striking a New Balance
Chapter 8 : Transmission and Storage : Facilitating Wind Power Integration
Chapter 9 : Offshore Wind : Entering The Mainstream
Chapter 10 : Advanced Technologies : R&D, Testing, and New Twists on Old Ideas
Chapter 11 : The Global Wind Industry : Markets, Business, and Government Policy
Chapter 12 : Environmental and Economic Issues : Wind Power Grows Up

Appendix A : Wind Turbine Design Equations
Appendix B : Small/Alternative Wind Power Systems
Appendix C : U.S. Offshore Wind Resource
Appendix D : Approximating Wind Speed Distribution
Appendix E : Selected Wind Farm Case Studies
Appendix F : Estimating Wind Energy Costs
Appendix G : World Offshore Wind Power
Appendix H : Global Wind Power Capacity