X Factor @ Workplace

Title: X Factor @ Workplace
Author: Ram Krishna Sinha
ISBN: 1259005976 / 9781259005978
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 125
Publisher: TMH
Year: 2012
Availability: In Stock

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For a budding professional, venturing into a career is a move that is attached to a myriad of emotions where he/she is apprehensive, unsure and even scared as to how they are to adapt and mould themselves to the culture and dynamics of an organization. It's not just a skill-set that would guide the professional to succeed and carve a niche, but it's the change in mind-set that plays a vital role, and this change in mind-set is what is popularly called the 'X Factor @ Workplace'.

Underlining and emphasizing on this quality, the author has explained how a young professional can evolve into an independent, thoughtful, committed and well- rounded individual, by following some simple steps and seeking answers to questions that they face in their day-to-day work life.

The book also guides the organization on how to shape itself to become an employee-friendly place where the worker feels comfortable and motivated and hence is able to perform better and realize his/her full potential.

The prominent features and highlights of the book are:

  • Avoids the conventional preachy self-help style of narrative
  • Does not focus only on the individual but on the organization as well
  • Demystifies the concepts of success
  • Follows a jargon-free, easy to read language
  • Guides Organizations to become employee havens by simple strategies
  • Emphasizes on Indian work culture from the experiences of an Indian
  • Experiential real-life cases highlighting day-to-day work scenarios

The author with over three decades of experience in the corporate world, including an international stint, shares his wealth of knowledge, expertise and experiences and shows how attaining excellence at workplace is possible. The book also makes changing yourself look simple and doable, and in the process, empowers you to script your own mantra to success and happiness by developing the 'X Factor'.

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Chapter 1 : Activity is not Productivity
Chapter 2 : He is Thy Boss! Mind It
Chapter 3 : I, Me and Myself
Chapter 4 : Discuss Weather, not Einstein at Parties
Chapter 5 : Relax to Produce
Chapter 6 : What is Your Social Quotient?
Chapter 7 : Frustration Breeds Demotivation
Chapter 8 : Plan Your Career
Chapter 9 : Procrastination : A Recipe for Stagnation
Chapter 10 : Making Employees Manager-Friendly
Chapter 11 : Urge of Being Busy All The Time
Chapter 12 : Wonders of Little Words
Chapter 13 : Shape Up or Ship Out
Chapter 14 : Is the Culture of the Country You're Visiting Foreign to You?
Chapter 15 : Enjoy Making Decisions
Chapter 16 : Don't be a Technogeek
Chapter 17 : Perform but Conform
Chapter 18 : Speak to Peak
Chapter 19 : Enhance the Value of the Brand Called You
Chapter 20 : Change Your Preception About Change
Chapter 21 : Finding Happiness at Work
Chapter 22 : Your Destiny is in Your Hands
Chapter 23 : Update and Upgrade Yourself
Chapter 24 : React Less, Respond More
Chapter 25 : Beating Boredom Through Self-Renewal
Chapter 26 : Spirituality at Workplace
Chapter 27 : Don't Look for People, But Right People
Chapter 28 : Interruptions Eating Away Productivity
Chapter 29 : Let Employees Speak Up
Chapter 30 : Relevance of Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 31 : Combat the Disease of Complacency
Chapter 32 : Develop Discomfort to Dislodge Others
Chapter 33 : Sycophants and the Boss
Chapter 34 : Work-Life Balance
Chapter 35 : Dealing with New Recruits
Chapter 36 : Motivating Employees to Boost Productivity
Chapter 37 : Watche Out For Stress among Employees
Chapter 38 : Annual Performance Review
Chapter 39 : Care! Knowledge Has an Expiry Date
Chapter 40 : The Barriers to Good, Effective Decision-Making
Chapter 41 : People-Driven Strategies for Change and Growth
Chapter 42 : Aesthetics at Workplace

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