Industrial Water Analysis Handbook

Title: Industrial Water Analysis Handbook
Author: Natarajan Manivasakam
ISBN: 0820600407 / 9780820600406
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 454
Publisher: Chemical Publishing Co. Inc.
Year: 2011
Availability: 45-60 days

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Part – I ‘Introduction’ provides a detailed introduction on analysis of water along with parameters to be determined for each industrial use, thus helps to reduce the time required for analysis and labor involved in analysis.

In Part – II ‘Chemical Analysis’, elaborate testing procedures for all the parameters necessary for industrial uses are given. Exclusive chapters in the beginning on ‘Sampling of water’ and ‘Sampling of Boiler water’ will provide the analyst a detailed sampling program and the important sampling points so that the analysis would be more meaningful and more useful. Detailed analytical procedure for 65 chemical parameters are given which makes this book a handy reference for carrying out analysis without any difficulty.

Part – III ‘Microbiological Analysis’ deals with the identification and determination of the density of microbial organisms that are likely to interfere in industrial processes. To aid the analyst, separate chapters starting from the Requirement of Chemicals, Glassware and Equipment, Technics involved in Microbiological Analysis, Sampling of Water for Microbiological Examination and Preparation of Media and Reagents, to identification of specific organisms are provided with a detailed discussion.

Part – IV ‘Microscopical Examination’, a brief account of microscopical organisms is given. The common organisms present in water along with their habitat and significance are also dealt. This book would serve as a handy reference to all wet processing industries. This book would be helpful in multifarious ways to Analysts, Chemists, Engineers, and Managers of industries and Water Treatment Consultants, Firms engaged in Water Treatment and other personnel engaged in water analysis and water treatment. This apart, this book would also be a source book to students of Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Applied chemistry, Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science and other allied faculties of Colleges and Universities.

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Part I : Introduction
Chapter 1 :
Chapter 2 : Parameters to be determined (industry wise)

Part II : Chemical Analysis
Chapter 3 :
Equipments, Glassware & Chemicals Required for Chemical Analysis
Chapter 4 : Water for Analytical Laboratory Use
Chapter 5 : Sampling of Water for Chemical Analysis
Chapter 6 : Sampling of Boiler Water
Chapter 7 : Chemical Analysis – General Notes
Chapter 8 : Expression of Results
Chapter 9 : Preliminary Acid Digestion of the Sample
Chapter 10 : Acidity
Chapter 11 : Alkalinity
Chapter 12 : Alumnium
Chapter 13 : Arsenic
Chapter 14 : Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Chapter 15 : Boron
Chapter 16 : Cadmium
Chapter 17 : Calcium
Chapter 18 : Calcium Carbonate Stability Test
Chapter 19 : Carbon dioxide (Free)
Chapter 20 : Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Chapter 21 : Chloride
Chapter 22 : Chlorine Demand
Chapter 23 : Chromium
Chapter 24 : Coagulant Demand
Chapter 25 : Color
Chapter 26 : Copper
Chapter 27 : Cyanides (Total)
Chapter 28 : Electrical Conductivity
Chapter 29 : Equivalent Mineral Acidity (EMA)
Chapter 30 : Fluoride
Chapter 31 : Hardness (Total)
Chapter 32 : Hydrazine
Chapter 33 : Iodide
Chapter 34 : Iron
Chapter 35 : Langelier Index, Ryznar Index and Puckorius Scaling Index
Chapter 36 : Lead
Chapter 37 : Magnesium
Chapter 38 : Manganese
Chapter 39 : Mercury
Chapter 40 : Nickel
Chapter 41 : Nitrate
Chapter 42 : Nitrite
Chapter 43 : Nitrogen (Ammonia)
Chapter 44 : Nitrogen (Albuminoid)
Chapter 45 : Nitrogen (Organic)
Chapter 46 : Nitrogen (Total Kjeldahl)
Chapter 47 : Odor
Chapter 48 : Oil and Grease
Chapter 49 : Oxygen (Dissolved)
Chapter 50 : Particle Counting
Chapter 51 : Permanganate Value (Oxygen absorbed / Tidy’s test)
Chapter 52 : Phenols
Chapter 53 : Phosphate
Chapter 54 : pH value
Chapter 55 : Potassium
Chapter 56 : Residual Chelant
Chapter 57 : Residual Chlorine
Chapter 58 : Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC)
Chapter 59 : Selenium
Chapter 60 : Silica
Chapter 61 : Silt Density Index
Chapter 62 : Silver
Chapter 63 : Sodium
Chapter 64 : Sodium Slip Determination
Chapter 65 : Solids
Chapter 66 : Sulfate
Chapter 67 : Sulfide
Chapter 68 : Sulfite
Chapter 69 : Surfactants (Anionic)
Chapter 70 : Tannin & Lignin
Chapter 71 : Temperature
Chapter 72 : Turbidity
Chapter 73 : Volatile Acids
Chapter 74 : Zinc
Chapter 75 : Probable Combinations (Checking the Correctness of Analysis)
Chapter 76 : Determination of Steam Purity
Part III : Microbiological Analysis
Chapter 77 :
Microbiological Analysis of Industrial Waters – An Introduction
Chapter 78 : Equipment, Glassware and Other Items Required for Microbiological Analysis
Chapter 79 : Laboratory Technics
Chapter 80 : Preparation of Media and Reagents
Chapter 81 : Sampling of Water for Microbiological Analysis
Chapter 82 : Standard Plate Count (Total Bacterial Count)
Chapter 83 : Coliform Bacteria (Total Coliforms)
Chapter 84 : Fecal Coliforms (Escherichia Coli)
Chapter 85 : Proteolytic Bacterial Count
Chapter 86 : Lipolytic Bacterial Count
Chapter 87 : Thermophilic Bacterial Count
Chapter 88 : Gelatin Liquefying bacteria
Chapter 89 : Iron Bacteria
Chapter 90 : Sulfate-Reducing bacteria
Chapter 91 : Sulfur-Oxidizing bacteria
Chapter 92 : Yeast and Mould
Chapter 93 : Slime-Forming Organisms

Part IV : Microscopical Examination
Chapter 94 :
Microscopical Examination
