Natarajan Manivasakam

Total Record : 3
Author: Natarajan Manivasakam
ISBN: 0820601713 / 9780820601717
Year: 2011
Availability: 15-30 days
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List Price: $ 280
Author: Natarajan Manivasakam
ISBN: 0820600407 / 9780820600406
Year: 2011
Availability: 45-60 days
Part – I ‘Introduction’ provides a detailed introduction on analysis of water along with parameters to be determined for each industrial use, thus helps to reduce the time required...
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List Price: $ 162
Author: Natarajan Manivasakam
ISBN: 0820600040 / 9780820600048
Year: 2011
Availability: 45-60 days
It is well known that without water no life can exist on earth. Similarly without water, many of the industries cannot exist, as water is used in multifarious ways in industries. Water is the raw ma...
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List Price: $ 125