Jose Rodriguez-Perez

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Author: Jose Rodriguez-Perez
ISBN: 8174890424 / 9788174890429
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for human pharmaceuticals affects every patient taking a medicine. GMP covers all aspects of the manufacturing process, from defining manufacturing processes to sy...
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List Price: $ 100
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Author: Jose Rodriguez-Perez
ISBN: 0873899482 / 9780873899482
Year: 2017
Availability: Out of Stock
The purpose of this new edition is to offer an updated view of the risk management field as it applies to medical products. Since the publication of the first edition (2012), the emphasis on risk-ba...
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List Price: $ 58

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Author: Jose Rodriguez-Perez
ISBN: 8174890440 / 9788174890443
Year: 2016
Availability: In Stock
Medical devices, biopharmaceutical, and traditional drug manufacturing companies devote an important part of their resources to dealing with incidents, investigations, and corrective and preventive ...
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List Price: $ 61
Offer Price: ` 1050
Author: Jose Rodriguez-Perez
ISBN: 0873899733 / 9780873899734
Year: 2018
Availability: Out of Stock
For many years, we considered human errors or mistakes as the cause of mishaps or problems. In the manufacturing industries, human error, under whatever label (procedures not followed, lack of atten...
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List Price: $ 75

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