Rajan Suri

Total Record : 4
Author: Rajan Suri
ISBN: 1138196274 / 9781138196278
Year: 2017
Availability: In Stock
QUICK RESPONSE MANUFACTURING is a truly tested way of implementing and achieving a powerful competitive strategy based on speed.  Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) is an expansion of time-based com...
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List Price: £ 62.99
Offer Price: ` 1995
Author: Rajan Suri
ISBN: 036748028X / 9780367480288
Year: 2020
Availability: In Stock
In the decade since the publication of Rajan Suri’s landmark book, Quick Response Manufacturing, the innovative principles of QRM have been proven with impressive results at many companies, bi...
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List Price: £ 39.99
Offer Price: ` 1795
Author: Rajan Suri
ISBN: 1138210641 / 9781138210646
Year: 2018
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
POLCA (Paired-cell Overlapping Loops of Cards with Authorization) is a card-based visual control system that manages the flow of jobs through the shop floor: at each operation, it controls which job...
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List Price: £ 58.99