Robin Cooper

Total Record : 2
Author: Regine Slagmulder, Robin Cooper
ISBN: 1563272180 / 9781563272189
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock
Does your firm set specific cost-reduction objectives for its suppliers? Does your firm help its customers and/or suppliers find ways to achieve their cost-education objectives? Does your firm...
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List Price: £ 71.99
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Author: Regine Slagmulder, Robin Cooper
ISBN: 1563271729 / 9781563271724
Year: 1997
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
What would happen if everyone in your company followed a disciplined approach to cost reduction? Go ahead -- imagine it. What would it look like? How can it be done? The answer -- smart cost mana...
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List Price: £ 54.99
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